Image Description: A black and white photo of a Columbian person with a brown shoulder length bob and large hoop earrings, smiling into the camera.

Cristina Alejandra Jimenez Gomez

CA is an interdisciplinary artist and educator. She is interested in creative, transformative and communal experiences that address critical intersectional concerns. Based in Tiohtià:ke - Mooniyang - Montreal since 2019.  Currently, they are a board member of Teesri Duniya Theatre, where she has developed two community engagement projects. 

CA is affiliated with Hexagram, Milieux-LeParc, COHDS, ALLab, and SenseLab-3e at Concordia University. Editor and workshop facilitator at Kodama Cartonera, an independent publishing house born in Tijuana, Mexico, in 2010.

In Colombia, her collaborative work resulted in co-creating the feminist theatre collective “Vale la pena ser Callejeras" (BOG), a laboratory focused on artist women’s discourses, theatre training and collaborative methodologies of embodiment and creation for public spaces. 

CA’s research-creation approach is performative, feminist, and (an)archival. Her perspectives stem from embodied practices as a source of knowledge intertwining processes of doing-feeling-thinking. Due to their experience in different theatre troupes, CA learned about diverse techniques focused on developing research and creative methods for, in, and within public spaces and non-conventional stages. 

Participant in the following FMS projects

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Interdisciplinary artist and educator
Ph.D. studies in Humanities in the Individualized (INDI) program at Concordia University. 
B.A. in performing arts from District University-ASAB (BOG-CO) 
M.A. in theatre and live arts from the National University of Colombia.

Vale la pena ser callejeras

Global Dialogues


Concordia University
Communications & Journalism (CJ) Building
CJ 2.130, 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R6

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514 848 2424 ext.5975

The Feminist Media Studio is located on the unceded lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation. We seek to stand in solidarity with Indigenous demands for land restitution and reparations.

Our work—committed to intersectional and anti-colonial feminist praxis—actively engages and names the predicament of doing feminism on stolen land. We acknowledge that territorial acknowledgement is insufficient to stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities.
Our anti-colonial and decolonial efforts articulated in our Lab Values center resisting extraction in all its facets, de-centering feminist canons, valuing methodologies that oppose white supremacy, and building good relations with human and more-than-humans.
Website by Natasha Whyte-Gray, 2024.    
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