Image Description: A colour photo of a white woman, with shoulder-length blonde hair, in a sleeveless button-up yellow shirt, looking into the camera and smiling.
she/they, settler

Macalister Arendt

Macalister is currently pursuing their Ph.D in Religion at Concordia University. She completed her M.A. in Religions and Cultures at Concordia in 2024. She also holds an undergraduate degree from Bishop's University, with an Honours in Religion, Society, and Culture and a Major in History and Global Studies. Macalister’s doctoral research focuses on how young progressive Christians develop religious identities on social media. Particular focus is given to the use of memes to discuss theological concepts and provide political commentaries on conservative Christianity. Their interests include religious authenticity, secularism, humour, and queer Christianity.

More Info


PhD student in Religion at Concordia University
MA, Concordia Unversity
BA, Bishop's University 

Conference Papers

“From Affirmation to Liberation: Analyzing Carter Heyward’s Theology from Ordination to Independent Religiosity.” Paper Presentation at the Annual Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference, Montreal, QC, April 10, 2024.


Concordia University
Communications & Journalism (CJ) Building
CJ 2.130, 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R6

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The Feminist Media Studio is located on the unceded lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation. We seek to stand in solidarity with Indigenous demands for land restitution and reparations.

Our work—committed to intersectional and anti-colonial feminist praxis—actively engages and names the predicament of doing feminism on stolen land. We acknowledge that territorial acknowledgement is insufficient to stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities.
Our anti-colonial and decolonial efforts articulated in our Lab Values center resisting extraction in all its facets, de-centering feminist canons, valuing methodologies that oppose white supremacy, and building good relations with human and more-than-humans.
Website by Natasha Whyte-Gray, 2024.    
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