Academics for Black Survival and Wellness: October Workshops
Throughout October 2021
Hybrid: Online and In-Person
Feminist Media Studio, CJ Building, Room 2.130
Concordia University 7141 Sherbrooke W Montreal (Qc)
This Fall, the Feminist Media Studio will launch a series of October “workshops”, organized in collaboration with Dr. Della V. Mosley and
Academics for Black Survival and Wellness. A4BL will provide to participating members on each Friday in October materials and activities around a given theme. Participants will be able to go through the materials (including videos, readings, exercises, checklists, etc.) on their own, and complete the exercises to assist in self-reflection and actionable commitments. Participants will organize into smaller “accountability groups” and will meet weekly to discuss the materials, activities and reflections. This is both a personal and collective activity. Participants are invited to move through the material at their own pace, sensitive to their time and personal limits. While each workshop builds on the prior one, we understand that some members may only be able to participate in one or two. We warmly welcome all to participate as they are able.
Dr. Mosley will kick off the October workshop with her reflections on A4BL and the importance of combatting white supremacy in the university and committing to black liberation. You do not need to register for the workshops to attend the kickoff event.