Open House & Building a Feminist Library
Public Discussion
October 7, 2022 at 1:00–4:00pm
Hybrid: Online and In-Person
Feminist Media Studio, CJ Building, Room 2.130
Concordia University 7141 Sherbrooke W Montreal (Qc)
The Feminist Media Studio cordially invites you to take part in the first gathering of our “Building a Feminist Library” project.
Taking place on Friday, October 7th from 1-4pm as part of our Fall Open House, this project comes from our desire to collectively build an FMS Statement of Values and Commitments. Inspired by Max Liboiron’s
CLEAR Lab Values Process, we will use storytelling to identify collective values we hold as FMS members. These core values will then inform a new values statement for the Feminist Media Studio collectively authored by interested FMS members.