Inaugural Event & Virtual Open House: Kama La Mackerel and Tranna Wintour
September 25, 2020 at 3:00pm
The Feminist Media Studio is excited to host our annual fall Open Studio to launch the 2020-2021 academic year. We welcome new students, prospective FMS members, and returning members to gather together online, Friday, September 25th, at 3pm. This year, Kama La Mackerel will join us, along with special guest Tranna Wintour, for a rich conversation and the launch of our new website.
Kama will guide us through a conversation to look back on the past 6 months, and reflect on life in the times of a global pandemic. The event will open with a reading from Kama’s new collection of poetry, ZOM-FAM, hot off the press! A conversation between Kama and Tranna will follow, where they discuss their particular experiences as artists in this time of ongoing crisis and powerful local and international social movements. Our guests will then open the digital floor to questions from the audience, so that we may reflect on our experiences collectively.
In celebration the Feminist Media Studio’s website launch, Kama has contributed art work and poetry to our new platform. The website goes live the day of the open studio.